Thursday, August 27, 2009

Not Looking Good....

So as of today, Thursday, I've used 34 out of my 35 weekly points. Uh oh. Before you get all concerned for my well being, I do get to use 17 of my earned activity points. (Confession - 7 of my activity points I have not actually earned yet, they are just anticipated for tonight's spinning class). So how have I used so many points in 4 days? Here's the breakdown:

  • 4 - Coffee
  • 3 - beer
  • 4 - Cake
  • 3 - Rice
  • 6 - Yogurt
  • 4 - Mixed Nuts
  • 3 - Slim Fast
  • 7 - Egg Muffin Breakfast sandwich

I guess in hindsight the egg muffin sandwich wasn't worth 7 points but I was really hungry and made a trip to the commissary this morning. If I could redo the week, I would rethink the slim fast for dinner one night, the point heavy, worthless yogurt, the mixed nuts, and the egg sandwich. I would keep the cake and beer.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

4 Points?!

In a moment of weakness brought on by hunger, I ate a yogurt this afternoon. Which should be good for me. It's yogurt, it was fat free, it has nutrients and other important, healthy stuff too. I think I remember hearing somewhere that yogurt is very nutritious. Then why on Weight Watchers is it 4 points? If it has 4 points of sugar in it, can't it be reduced by a couple of points for nutritional value? It's 4, but subtract 2 for healthiness.  Things I could have had that are not nutritional and I wanted more than yogurt and are less than 4 points: a glass of beer, a coke, or 2 small homemade cookies. Next time I'm getting a coke (I wish I could have a Belgian White Ale at work), which seems like there must be a flaw in the WW point system.

Pioneer Woman is Making Me Hungry!

If you've never been to the pioneer woman cooks blog, don't go. It'll just make you hungry. And make you eat lots of quantities of butter and cream. So far I have made her Marlboro Man Sandwich and Turnips Gratin and they were fabulous! I'm ravenously hungry right now, even though I did eat lunch and this is all that I am craving to eat right now:

Fried Chicken with mashed potatoes and a biscuit
Pioneer Woman Ribs
Pioneer Woman Chile con Queso
Pioneer Woman Fresh Corn Casserole
Pioneer Woman Cauliflower Soup
And to wrap things up, homemade chocolate chip cookies or chocolate cake or PW's Apple Pie.

But I don't have any of these things so I am eating microwaved 94% fat free popcorn and drinking a diet Dr pepper. Jealous, aren't you? No, of course you're not.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Why Don't My Pants Fit? (Oh, THAT's Why)

I got on the scale this morning and about passed out at what I saw. Not good. VERY not good. Or as Weight Watchers Online pointed out, “Hmm seems you’ve gained some this week.” Yes, I noticed that myself. I've reached a weight that I had promised myself that I would never see again. I've gained 6 lbs in the last 3 weeks thanks to vacations and birthday celebrations. It was fun putting on those 6 lbs, which is made up of beer, Frrrzen Hot Chocolate, Birthday SoufflĂ©, Cheesecake, French fries, various cocktails, sushi, pancakes, Nutella ice cream, Pioneer Woman recipes, Pad Thai, and several gourmet meals that I can’t recall in much detail. Some had fish, some had beef, the rest were chicken. Fried chicken. With mashed potatoes. Now I’m getting hungry.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

Though my mother says that EVERYday is Father's Day.


Have you ever wondered, if only there was a website that documented cats that have the misfortune to look like Hitler? I haven't, but a friend lead me to this site dedicated to "Kitlers."

Again, I have to ask "WHY?"

Website Shout Out

I saw a blurg about The Laundress website in my new favorite magazine, Domino and went to check it out. I enjoyed their tips and feel more interested in laundry than I have in years, or ever really. They believe the dry cleaners is evil and in seperating everything. Their ideas on laundry sorting (not even mixing dark pinks with light pinks) is too strict, I mean I do have a day job. They also sell different detergents for darks, lights, and whites which seems over the top to me. I'm going to try out their fabric freshener and the crease release.
Here are some tips from their website:

Always separate laundry by color. For best results use The Laundress White Detergent for all whites, The Laundress Darks Detergent for darks and denim, and The Laundress Signature Detergent for lights and colors. Items should be laundered separately by color category for best results and color longevity.

Intense cleaning involves three elements: water temperature (hot), detergent amount (more than recommended) and agitation (movement in machine). Fabric (such as cotton) generally has a certain shrinkage capacity so washing your favorite white t-shirt once in hot water will shrink the same amount as it would over multiple washings in warm.

Washing delicates by hand is the best. After hand washing with The Laundress Delicate Wash, delicates should be line dried or laid flat to dry. If machine washing, always protect items by placing them in a mesh bag using a delicate wash cycle. *Swimwear, lacey items, and under wire bras should always be hand washed for best care and longevity.


Knitting Lingerie-
"McGowan-Michael's 30-plus designs, stunningly photographed by Thayer Allyson Gowdy, range from the truly functional-knitted bras, slips, corsets, camisoles, and stockings-to the purely fun. The brassiere inspires a curvature-enhancing twinset. The baby doll negligee is the basis for a lacy little gown and a matching thong set that's both luxurious and (slightly) notorious. And a ribbed, laced-front sweater is an updated-and much more comfortable!-take on the classic corset. "

What the ?

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Summer Shoes

Metallic shoes are in this summer and I'm determined to have a pair; should I go with the dressier heels or the more casual bronze wedges? (Or as the BR website describes them, "Amazingly sweet slide.")

Saturday, June 2, 2007

A new reason to go to the eye doctor

Yes, these are BURBERRY eye glasses, which means I really need to go to the eye doctor and get a pair. Apparently improvement in my eyesight wasn't enough of a reaso to make an appointment.

Pirates 3

I've seen Pirates of the Carribean, At World's End twice now and I enjoyed the second screening even more than the first. Certainly not due to the difference in company in the screenings, but I was able to just enjoy the action and word play rather than pay attention to the plot. But be sure to stay through the credits, you'll be rewarded!

Favorite New Magazine

My favorite new magazine, domino is a Martha Stewart type magazie pertaining mostly to the subjects of entertaining and decorating, but with a trendier, more realistic approach to creating a home. The magazine also has stickers come with the issue in order to better tab each page for later reference. For $10 a year, I now have a subscription and can't wait until my next issue.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

I love Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, a cartoon on Cartoon Network. I think it's sweet, funny, smart, and the art direction is creative and beautiful. The premise is that Foster's is a an orphange of sorts for imaginary friends who have been placed there by their creators who have grown up. At Foster's, the friends have a chance to be adopted by other, apparently less imaginative, children. The cast of characters include a tall, red creature named Wilt who loves basketball and whose sneakers squeak as though they walk on a basketball court, Mr Herriman a Harvey type bunny who runs the place, and Eduardo, a cowardly Wild Things type monster. Bit of Trivia- the fictional town where Foster's resides was founded by Elwood P Dowd, the main character of Harvey.

Happy Easter

5 Minutes to Kill (Yourself)

Getting stabbed in the men's room by a clown or being attacked by ferret for trying to go to the boss' office may not be real work place dangers, but I can relate to the desire to do do anything to get out of the next meeting. Getting out your workplace stress is made easier thanks to this twisted game at Adult

You have 5 minutes to die, be it while eating urinal cakes, putting metal in the microwave, or insulting co-workers; we've all got to go sometime, might as well go to one less meeting.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Why is this necessary?

For all those Easter fanatics who have ever thought, "If only I could make my own Peeps," you're in luck. Thanks to the good people at Williams Sonama, a make your own marshmallow kit is available for $24.50. The kit includes marshmallow mix, duck and bunny molds, pastry bags for piping the prepared marshmallow into molds, as well as the purple, pink and yellow sanding sugars and black eyes you’ll need for decorating your creations. The kit does not come with an explanation as to why anyone would even try to make their own marshmallow ducks when you can get them for for a dollar at the store.

Premonition of a Bad Movie

Premonition isn't the worst movie I've seen this year (Epic Movie, anyone?) but it was the worst movie that had the most potential. It had a good cast and an interesting premise, but just didn't make any sense, and didn't seem to care that it didn't make any sense. The score was obnoxious, with tense music playing even while Sandra's character was doing the most mundane tasks, like laundry. The movie couldn't decide if the fate of her family could be changed by her unusual predicament or not. And the ending had no payoff. If you go and see this movie, at least go to a theater with comfy seats so you use the movie as an opportunity to take a nap or snuggle with your date.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ahoy Matey!

I received a Puzz3D puzzle of the Black Pearl as a belated Christmas present. Though I more than meet the 12 plus age requirement, the 564 piece puzzle is pretty daunting. I predict a 95% chance that I will get bored halfway through, quit, and for six month find puzzle pieces in odd places. 5% chance I will succeed and take it to work as the crowning jewel of my Pirate shrine.

A Tale of 2 Fortunes

Today I received a fortune cookie that had not one fortune inside, but two! A double yoker of the fortune cookie world. The fortunes themselves aren't that exciting, but I still think this is a lucky omen.


Smile often, and see what happens [in bed].

People appreciate your leadership qualities [in bed].

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Belgian Beer Festival 2007

I went to a beer festival at a local pub this weekend. I would have to say the term "festival" was used loosely, as a festival to me implies a lagre gathtering of people in a celebratory frame of mind. The only difference between a festival and and the last time I was at this pub was a banner annoucing that yes, this is a festival. I did enjoy a nice Belgian Beer, Gulden Draaft (my second beer EVER). Do people in Belgium have American Beer Festivals? Just wondering.